Thursday, March 22, 2018

The Pianist Who First Climbed Beethoven's Mount Everest

A Beethoven sonata by Schnabel, a lullaby in Austin and Elgar's evergreen 'Enigma.'
NPR Classical
Deceptive Cadence

The Pianist Who First Climbed Beethoven's Mount Everest

Artur Schnabel was the first pianist to record all 32 of Beethoven's Piano Sonatas. The cycle, made in the 1930s, has just been entered into the Library of Congress.
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South X Lullabies

South X Lullaby: Max Richter

The audience slept, dreamed and sometimes snored — it's okay, that's what it's for — through this trance-inducing experience.

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Deceptive Cadence

Elgar's 'Enigma' Still Keeps Music Detectives Busy

When Edward Elgar debuted what came to be called his "Enigma Variations" in 1899, he left tantalizing clues in the score about a mystery contained in the music.

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1968: How We Got Here

50 Years After The My Lai Massacre, An Opera Confronts The Past

The My Lai Massacre occurred 50 years ago this week in Vietnam. An opera featuring the Kronos Quartet and Van-Anh Vanessa Vo tells the story of an American soldier who tried to stop his own troops.

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The Record

James Levine Sues Met Opera, Accuses It Of 'Cynically Hijacking' #MeToo

The conductor has sued New York's storied opera house after being fired earlier this week following the Met's internal investigation into allegations of sexual abusive conduct towards young artists.

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