Monday, December 3, 2018

Patriarch Of A Political Dynasty

What we all forget (if we ever knew) about George H.W. Bush, who died on Friday
NPR Politics
George HW Bush
Luke Frazza/AFP/Getty Images
What We All Forget (If We Ever Knew) About George H.W. Bush

As the years pass, we edit and compress our memories of presidents and other national figures until only a few salient impressions endure. That may be especially true of one-term presidents, often remembered more for what turned them out of office than for what got them there.

Would this apply to the one-term president who died Friday, George H.W. Bush? Even with a public figure this durable, many facets of the story fade with time.

That's a pity, because the greater meaning of anyone's life is often contained in the things others forget.

Read more
— Ron Elving, NPR senior political editor and correspondent

A Lifetime Of Public Service

The obituary: Bush was the patriarch of a political dynasty; the NPR Politics Podcast dives into his legacy.

Comrades in arms:
 How Bush's wartime experience shaped his politics. Plus: Former U.S. presidents react to Bush's death.

Family man: George W. Bush traced the life of his father in his 2014 biography. In this Morning Edition interview about the book, he discussed their shared enemy, Saddam Hussein. In 2016, when Jeb Bush ended his presidential bid, a chapter in American politics closed. In April 2018, the family lost its matriarch, Barbara Bush.

— Dana Farrington, NPR Politics editor

Bush's socks
Carolyn Kaster/AP
George H.W. Bush: Style Icon, And Other Surprises

Bush was, among many things, a self-proclaimed sock man. "The louder, the brighter, the crazier the pattern — the better," he once wrote. 

More unexpected facts
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