Monday, May 7, 2018

Hear the New Piano Concerto by Philip Glass

A new piano concerto by Philip Glass and the plight of U.K. orchestra musicians...
NPR Classical
First Listen

First Listen: Simone Dinnerstein, 'Circles: Piano Concertos by Bach & Glass'

A world premiere recording of a new piano concerto by Philip Glass sits comfortably beside a Bach classic.
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Deceptive Cadence

What Does Life In An Orchestra Get You? In The U.K., Not Enough To Live On

A study released by the Musicians' Union in the U.K. says that many musicians with full-time, salaried jobs are struggling to pay their bills. Two-thirds say that they have considered other careers.

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Deceptive Cadence

Connecting The Dots On Arvo Pärt's Symphonic Journey

A new album of the Estonian composer's four symphonies trace the path of a brave artist who risked throwing it all away to reinvent himself.

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Deceptive Cadence

Shall We Dance: Balanchine Sets Tchaikovsky In Motion

Conductor Marin Alsop muses on the power of ballet and her memories of watching choreographer George Balanchine bring the music of Tchaikovsky to life with the New York City Ballet.

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Deceptive Cadence

A New Song Cycle Contemplates Blackness

A collaboration between three prominent artistic voices — singer Lawrence Brownlee, composer Tyshawn Sorey and poet Terrance Hayes — examines what it means to be a black man in America today.

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