Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Neil Young, Burial, Kelela, Morrissey, Leonard Cohen, More

All Songs Considered
All Songs Considered

New Mix: Björk, Neil Young, Burial, Kelela, More

The last full-length album from Björk, 2015's Vulnicurna, was a dark, brooding breakup record documenting the end of a longtime relationship. Now the enigmatic Icelandic singer is back with a new song of healing and hope from an album she'll release in November. "The Gate" finds Björk emerging from the other side of loss and heartache and searching for the utopian idea of perfect love. We've got that and a whole lot more on this week's show, including the moody R&B of Kelela.

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Watch A Heartbreakingly Beautiful Tribute To Leonard Cohen

In a posthumous new video for Leonard Cohen's "Leaving The Table," an animated paper cutout of the late singer dances and flies over a cityscape of Montreal, free as a bird, untethered from the mortal world. It's a tribute that's both heartbreaking and beautiful, revealing an artist who left the world content that he'd lived every moment to his fullest.

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All Songs Considered

Morrissey Gave Up On The News, 'Spent The Day In Bed'

The Moz has a new album out in November recorded with Joe Chiccarelli. But if 2014's World Peace Is None Of Your Business had Morrissey bearing his political teeth with biting turns of wit, then the first single from Low In High School suggests giving up... by spending the day in bed.

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All Songs Considered

10 Months Gone, Leon Russell Is Still 'Easy To Love'

When Leon Russell died last November, the 74-year-old star was recuperating from heart surgery and itching to get back out on the road. So it's no surprise that Russell - whose music fused soul, rock, gospel and country - left behind an impressive batch of songs that hadn't yet seen release. On Friday, 10 months after his death, On a Distant Shore continues a recorded legacy that hasn't dimmed.

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An Olympia-Based Genre Polymath Tries On Country-Rock With The County Liners

Whether fronting the blazing punk band Vexx or the synth-pop duo CC Dust, Mary Jane Dunphe inhabits her projects with a knurly otherworldliness - her voice contorts and screams like an alien sent to reset the planet with rock 'n' roll. Bedridden by an ankle injury in the winter of 2016, she teamed up with friend Chris McDonnell (Trans FX) to write a batch of country-rock songs that buck like an old pickup. Mary Jane Dunphe And Chris McDonnell In The County Liners is the first EP from The County Liners, rounded out by fellow Olympia, Washington-based musicians Mirce Popovic (Trans FX) and Riley Kendig.

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