Friday, May 31, 2024

APOD - The Nebulous Realm of WR 134

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.

2024 May 31
See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download   the highest resolution version available.

The Nebulous Realm of WR 134
Image Credit & Copyright: Xin Long

Explanation: Made with narrowband filters, this cosmic snapshot covers a field of view over twice as wide as the full Moon within the boundaries of the constellation Cygnus. It highlights the bright edge of a ring-like nebula traced by the glow of ionized hydrogen and oxygen gas. Embedded in the region's expanse of interstellar clouds, the complex, glowing arcs are sections of shells of material swept up by the wind from Wolf-Rayet star WR 134, brightest star near the center of the frame. Distance estimates put WR 134 about 6,000 light-years away, making the frame over 100 light-years across. Shedding their outer envelopes in powerful stellar winds, massive Wolf-Rayet stars have burned through their nuclear fuel at a prodigious rate and end this final phase of massive star evolution in a spectacular supernova explosion. The stellar winds and final supernova enrich the interstellar material with heavy elements to be incorporated in future generations of stars.

Tomorrow's picture: stereo moon

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Authors & editors: Robert Nemiroff (MTU) & Jerry Bonnell (UMCP)
NASA Official: Amber Straughn Specific rights apply.
NASA Web Privacy, Accessibility Notices
A service of: ASD at NASA / GSFC,
NASA Science Activation
& Michigan Tech. U.

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Self-care is more than a bubble bath

Let's talk about it.
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Wellness Wire
In a Nutshell
Before I started therapy 5 years ago, I felt broken, lost, and confused. I didn't know how to cope with anything and constantly spammed my friends and family with calls for help to calm me down. Needless to say, I definitely needed help, and I'm endlessly grateful that I sought it out.
I still have a long way to go, and I don't think my "healing journey" will ever be over. But with the help of an incredible therapist, years of developing self-awareness, and a growing toolbox of coping skills (some of which I'll share below), I finally feel like I can manage my mental health better than ever before.
What causes cloudy urine?
6 foods to boost prostate health
This simple move will work out your whole body
Take care,
Morgan Mandriota,
Newsletter Editor, Healthline
  Written by Morgan Mandriota
May 31, 2024 • 4.5 min read
You, me, and mental health
what's got us buzzing
You, me, and mental health
No one in my family went to therapy —– we just suppressed our feelings until they came out in other ways, like yelling at each other or misusing substances. Until 5 years ago, my version of self-care consisted of drinking with friends until I felt numb, eating a stomach-ache-inducing amount of comfort food, and sleeping in as late as I could. I didn't know the first thing about therapy —– if my insurance plan covered it, how much it could cost out-of-pocket, or what types of options existed. But I knew I was unhappy, unwell, and in need of help.️
After researching and contacting providers for what felt like forever, I finally booked my first session with a therapist in December 2019. I've been in therapy consistently ever since, and I never could've predicted how much I'd benefit from it. ️️
I've learned so much about how my brain works, how to better navigate the world around me, and mental health in general. Perhaps the biggest win of all is that I learned I'm autistic, which gave me a brand new perspective and understanding of my life. Turns out I wasn't broken after all — I was simply undiagnosed for 30 years, trying the best I could with no tools or knowledge that I needed to survive (let alone thrive).️
I've also developed healthier coping skills and self-care strategies that *actually* help me recharge and recover. Nowadays, that list looks like: ️
Here's how to tap into your senses to get the most out of the experience:️
  • saying "no" to invitations I don't want to accept
  • setting boundaries with people who drain my energy
  • continuing therapy on a weekly or biweekly basis
  • speaking up for myself when I feel wronged or upset
  • advocating for my needs with friends, family, and at work
  • continually educating myself about autism and mental health
  • putting on noise-canceling headphones at home or in public
  • speaking more gently to and about myself (no more self-deprecating jokes!)
  • not drinking alcohol, consuming cannabis, or eating foods that make me feel bad
If you're thinking about starting therapy, I highly recommend you look into it. There are plenty of low cost (or free!) services out there. And if you think it's too late, I kindly disagree. It's always a good time to start improving your well-being or working on your goals with professional support.
Just want to learn more about mental health? I've compiled this list of some of my favorite Healthline resources for you to check out below:️
I hope these help. Happy Mental Health Awareness Month, friends. Take the time to do something today that restores your energy and brings a smile to your face. You deserve it.
Over to you: Which self-care strategies help you the most? Share with us at (Please note that we may feature your name and response in an upcoming newsletter.)
Great finds
The biggest blanket ever
Big Blanket Co. Original Stretch Blanket
Big Blanket Co. Original Stretch Blanket
If you love cuddling up in a blanket burrito, then you'll want to check out Big Blanket Co. This company literally makes the biggest blanket known to mankind. I have this one, and it's super soft, massive (100-square-foot!), and great for snuggling with my partner with plenty of coverage left to spare. Fair warning, though: You might get lost in it when alone.
Every product we recommend has gone through either Healthline's or Optum Store's vetting processes. If you buy through links on this page, we may receive a small commission or other tangible benefit. Healthline has sole editorial control over this newsletter. Potential uses for the products listed here are not health claims made by the manufacturers. Healthline and Optum Store are owned by RVO Health.
health stories you need
What we're reading next
🥑 6 anti-inflammatory breakfast ideas. Kickstart your morning and reduce inflammation by eating one of these yummy antioxidant-rich meals.
đź’Š Keep forgetting to take your medication? This list of tips and tricks can help you stay on track!
💪🏻 Ways to build more muscle. This list includes cardio, strength training, and breathwork modifications.
đź’Ą Is back pain a warning sign of breast cancer? Here's what you need to know.
Thanks for reading! Before you go, enjoy this response to our recent coffee newsletter from reader George M.:

"I live in Portugal. People do not get coffee to go. Coffee is drunk in the place where you order it. People don't walk down the street carrying a to-go cup of coffee. So lids aren't available. Even paper cups aren't available. The reason for this is that espresso is a one or two-sip thing. It is drunk in less than a minute, so why would you get it to go? (We also don't have any drive-thru coffee places). And if you get a larger coffee, like a galao, which is with milk, the purpose is to sit and talk to a friend. This is normally what seniors (retired people) do. They look forward to this way of connecting with other friends at the cafe in the morning as it is sometimes the only time they get out of the house."
Until next time,
Take care of yourself, and we'll see
you again soon!
This edition was powered by
my therapist.
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Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Healthline does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should not be used as a substitute for medical advice from a healthcare professional. Healthline encourages you to make any treatment decisions with your healthcare professional. Healthline is owned by RVO Health.

© 2024 RVO Health
1101 Red Ventures Drive
Fort Mill, SC 29707

Thursday, May 30, 2024

APOD - A Lunar Corona over Paris

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.

2024 May 30
The famous Eiffel Tower in Paris, France is pictured   on the left lit up in gold at night. A blue laser shines  out from the top. Clouds dot the background sky. The Moon  is also visible through the clouds, but is circled by   colorful rings: a lunar corona.  Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

A Lunar Corona over Paris
Image Credit & Copyright: Valter Binotto

Explanation: Why does a cloudy moon sometimes appear colorful? The effect, called a lunar corona, is created by the quantum mechanical diffraction of light around individual, similarly-sized water droplets in an intervening but mostly-transparent cloud. Since light of different colors has different wavelengths, each color diffracts differently. Lunar coronae are one of the few quantum mechanical color effects that can be easily seen with the unaided eye. Solar coronae are also sometimes evident. The featured image was taken last month from Paris, France. The blue beacon emanating from the Eiffel Tower did not affect the colorful lunar corona.

Portal Universe: Random APOD Generator
Tomorrow's picture: nebulous realm

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Authors & editors: Robert Nemiroff (MTU) & Jerry Bonnell (UMCP)
NASA Official: Amber Straughn Specific rights apply.
NASA Web Privacy, Accessibility, Notices;
A service of: ASD at NASA / GSFC,
NASA Science Activation
& Michigan Tech. U.

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Dietitians’ least favorite ‘healthy’ foods

Looking at you, cauliflower.
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The Nutrition Edition
Today's Ingredients
Let's Ask the Dietitian
Want to learn more about food, diets, cooking, or some other nutrition subject? Let us know at and we'll look into it for you! (Heads up, we may use your response in an upcoming newsletter.)
Kitchen Kit
POPCO Silicone Tong Set
POPCO Silicone Tong Set
Mixing grain bowls, flipping meat on a skillet, reaching things on high shelves — there are endless good uses for tongs. And while you can definitely get away with owning one pair, having a set of three will meaningfully increase your tong capabilities in the kitchen. This set from POPCO is made from stainless steel and silicone, which are both highly durable and highly heat-resistant materials. The pull ring feature locks the arms together, making the tongs easy to store and to hang!
Every product we recommend has gone through either Healthline's or Optum Store's vetting processes. If you buy through links on this page, we may receive a small commission or other tangible benefit. Healthline has sole editorial control over this newsletter. Potential uses for the products listed here are not health claims made by the manufacturers. Healthline and Optum Store are owned by RVO Health.
Sustainable Change
the takeout
What we're digesting
🥗 What's the low FODMAP diet, and who can benefit from following it? While helpful for some conditions, this restrictive diet can be difficult to maintain.
đź“Š How do I interpret my cholesterol results? Here's what those numbers could mean.
đź‘€ Warning signs of Crohn's disease. This chronic condition affects hundreds of thousands of people in the United States.
🔨 How to break habits that negatively affect your well-being. Plus, tips for replacing them with ones that help you live better.
Thanks for reading, friends. And happy strawberry season!
Until next time,
Take care of yourself, and we'll see
you again soon!
This edition was powered by
lettuce-free burritos.
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© 2024 RVO Health
1101 Red Ventures Drive
Fort Mill, SC 29707