Thursday, October 26, 2017

You, Me And Them

NPR takes a deep dive into discrimination in America.
Race. Ethnicity. Sexuality. Gender.

You have an identity in each of these categories. So what do your cohorts have to say about how your own groups are treated in the United States?

Our new series, “You, Me And Them: Experiencing Discrimination In America,” explores the results of a poll we conducted with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

You can follow the series on your local member station, at and on Twitter and Facebook.

A Majority Of All Groups Believe Their Group Is Discriminated Against In America

We spoke with African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Latino Americans, Native Americans and white Americans, and members of the LGBTQ community. A majority of each group said they believe discrimination against their own group exists today. They were also asked about their personal experiences with discrimination in various aspects of life, such as interacting with the police, applying for jobs or going to the doctor.

How Black Americans See Discrimination

African-American respondents reported having different kinds of experiences with discrimination, which varied considerably depending on things like gender, age and where they lived. For example, younger people were more likely to say that they felt that institutional discrimination was a bigger concern than discrimination from individuals.
Source: NPR/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation/Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health: "Discrimination in America: Experiences and Views of African Americans." Survey of 802 African-American U.S. adults conducted Jan. 26-April 9, 2017. "Don't know/refused" responses not shown. The margin of error for the full African-American sample is +/- 4.1 percentage points.
Credit: Alyson Hurt/NPR

We Want To Hear From You

Poll data alone do not paint the complete picture; this is about human beings and their stories. We want to hear directly from people about their personal experiences and invite you to share your part of the American story.
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