Sunday, October 8, 2017

After Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico's critically ill patients face dangerous conditions

About three-quarters of the island's hospitals remain on emergency power as medical workers struggle to keep the people in their care safe from the heat.
Priscilla Olivas, 19, of Las Vegas lights a candle at a street vigil for shooting victims along the Las Vegas Strip. Olivas was part of the cleaning crew at the concert when a gunman opened fire Sunday.
Salwan Georges/The Washington Post/Getty Images

Las Vegas massacre: The ones who were lost

A mechanic who loved the outdoors and held a stranger's hand as he died. A mom of four with a newborn at home, still out on maternity leave. A husband celebrating his anniversary, taking a bullet for his wife. 

Here's what we've learned about everyone who died in the shooting.
Zannah Mustapha and the students of the Future Prowess School he founded for children caught up in the Boko Haram conflict. He won a U.N. prize for his efforts.
Rahima Gambo/UNHCR

This Nigerian lawyer works to help kids, especially amid the threats of Boko Haram

Zannah Mustapha was honored last week with the U.N. Refugee Agency's Nansen Refugee Award for negotiating the release of girls captured by the terrorist group. He has also started a school for orphans and others affected by the violence. 

"I have seen the extent of the damage — and the magnitude of war," he said.
illustration by Sara Wong for NPR
Sara Wong for NPR

For people with chronic fatigue syndrome, more exercise isn't better

The Centers for Disease Control has revised recommendations for treating ME/CFS and now says that vigorous exercise can make symptoms worse. 

Patient advocates say it's a huge victory.
The hospital in Arecibo, Puerto Rico, evacuated its coronary floor this week and moved those patients into cooled tents erected by an American disaster medical team.
Carol Guzy for NPR

Puerto Rico's shattered power grid means hospitals wage a life-and-death battle with the tropical heat

At the Pavia Arecibo Hospital, about an hour west of San Juan, administrator Jose Luis Rodriguez said the facility does not have any air conditioning – and hasn’t had it for more than two weeks. 

"So far after the storm we have had 49 dead bodies," Rodriguez said.
Facebook screenshot

For 12 minutes, there was Ramona

An accidental post on our Facebook page was apparently the break a lot of the Internet needed this week. We probably won't have regular Ramona updates, but we do want to clear the record:

She is not a cat! But she does have a cat.
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