Sunday, September 16, 2018

Focus like an owl | Why kids vomit | Alzheimer's germs?

Could a microbe be key to solving the puzzle of Alzheimer's?
Meredith Rizzo/NPR

Hoo Knew? Owl Brains Could Be Key To Understanding ADHD

Kids with ADHD are easily distracted. Barn owls are not. A team at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore is studying these highly focused predatory birds in an effort to understand the brain circuits that control attention. Their driving question? How does the brain actually help you ignore stuff that's not important for you? Read more to learn how owls are helping them figure out what goes wrong in the brains of people with attention problems.
Getty Images/Image Source

The Queasy Truth About Kids' Vomiting

Kids seem to vomit at the slightest provocation and in the most inconvenient moments. What’s going on with that? Turns out they’re not just super-sensitive to stomach bugs -- they’re wired a bit differently than adults. Read more for the science of kids' puke -- plus what a parent can do when the hurling starts, besides hold the bucket.
Ariel Davis for NPR

Infectious Theory Of Alzheimer's Disease Draws Fresh Interest

Millions have been spent on Alzheimer’s research without producing a cure, a method of prevention or even a clear understanding of what causes the disease. Now there’s a new push to investigate a radical theory: Could a germ be the cause? Some think a microbe could be the trigger leading to protein build up in the brain and a flare-up in the immune system.

And one man is willing to hand over $1 million of his own money to anyone who can figure out if a germ is involved. Read more about this controversial new frontier in Alzheimer's research.

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