Sunday, November 12, 2017

The fears that kept women quiet, until now

"The more times that it happened, and there wasn't consequences, the more scared I became of speaking up." "I expect that if I named either of them I would be sued." For many women facing abuse at the hands of colleagues, nondisclosure settlements and informal whisper networks long seemed like the best they could hope for if they officially reported bad behavior.
Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images

The ‘good guy with a gun’ fallacy: Shooting instructor says few who carry have the training to challenge a gunman

In a country that has so much gun violence, why are so few shootings stopped by vigilantes? Gun instructor Mike Weisser says even many law enforcement officers simply aren't prepared. "If you're sitting in a church and you're praying … even if you've got a gun, and somebody comes in, opens the front door and starts blasting away, you're going to do what everybody does:

"You're going to hit the floor."

CMR Unimore/Nature

A genetic condition was killing the 7-year-old boy. Scientists saved him by building him all-new skin.

The field of gene therapy has suffered many setbacks, but it was all that was left for a German boy with a rare condition that caused more than half of his skin to slough off. Using an experimental technique, they replaced 80 percent of the boy's skin with lab-grown, genetically modified cells. Two years later he's healthy.

It's a possible cure to an incredible painful and dangerous disease.

Andres Kudacki/AP

Public accusations are empowering women who've suffered silently for years — with good reason

Since harassment and assault allegations against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein came pouring in, victims of sexual misconduct have found themselves with very loud megaphones. In recent days that's swept up U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore, actor Kevin Spacey, comedian Louis C.K., former NPR executive Michael Oreskes and many, many others. But that wave had decades to build up, as complaints were met with retaliation, corporate inaction feeble training programs, public scrutiny, legal action and more.

"I didn't know what would happen to me if I did speak up," one woman says.

For nearly 130 years, this Van Gogh concealed a secret: bug bits

Painted while the troubled — and famously self-mutilating — artist was staying at an asylum in 1889, the paint captured a grasshopper carcass. A close look with a microscope revealed it. Turns out it’s a common problem for painters who work outside.

"It's not unusual to find parts of leaves or dirt or sand,” says a curator.

Evan Vucci/AP

A year after Trump’s win, the political landscape seems to keep on shifting

On Nov. 7, 2016, Democrats were picking out Cabinet secretaries, while many Republicans were anticipating trying to a deeply fractured party forward. Twelve months later, both parties still seem badly broken in different ways. Trump has consolidated control despite his limited core of aggrieved supporters, but has accomplished little.

Democrats, entirely out of power, are waiting, still arguing over what went wrong.
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