Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Journalism saves lives

Help NPR share even more critical stories

Did you know journalism can save lives?

That’s what we heard from Marie, a mother who wrote to NPR recently letting us know that information she heard in an NPR news story saved her life.

Marie recently gave birth to a healthy baby boy, but felt exhausted after returning home from the hospital. She knew something wasn’t quite right.

Marie had just read an article on NPR about maternal death postpartum, and she recognized her symptoms almost immediately. Her husband rushed her to the ER, where they realized she had postpartum preeclampsia. The doctors worked quickly to save her life.

Support from listeners like you helped NPR cover this pervasive health crisis. And it saved Marie’s life.

Today is #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving that supports nonprofits just like NPR and stations around the country. To help us continue to investigate and bring important issues like maternal health to the forefront, we are asking you to make a donation to your local station.  As a nonprofit, our coverage of these critical topics depends on your generosity.

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