Monday, October 16, 2023

Building the case for “cozy cardio”

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Wellness Wire
In a Nutshell
What if we told you that working out doesn't have to be done in skin-tight clothes at an expensive gym with sweaty, smelly people around you? Because this is something that I, a lazy person, can definitely get behind.
TikTokers are calling it "cozy cardio," a chilled out fitness trend that boasts physical and mental health perks. Settle in, get comfy, and read more about it below.
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Be well,
Morgan Mandriota
Newsletter Editor, Healthline
  Written by Morgan Mandriota
October 16, 2023 • 3 min read
Exercise, but make it more enjoyable
what's got us buzzing
Exercise, but make it more enjoyable
🫀 What is "cozy cardio?" The concept behind this TikTok trend is pretty simple: Complete a gentle cardio workout in comfy clothes and a cozy home environment. It's meant to replace that "no pain, no gain" mentality with more focus on joy and comfort. The hope is that when exercise feels less like a grueling chore, you might want to do it more often.

👀 What experts are saying. We already know the perks of cardio: It can reduce stress, boost energy, improve mood, and more. While cozy cardio doesn't replace weight training or a high intensity workout, it can be a great way to build a sustainable, enjoyable exercise practice. "The main appeal of cozy cardio is that it takes very little effort to get started," says personal trainer Eliza Flynn. "As soon as something requires a lot of effort, it becomes much easier to put it off." Bonus: You don't have to risk going out in bad weather or getting sick during flu season.
How to build a cozy cardio routine. If you want it to last, the key is to keep it simple. Your first step? Set the mood and space with the goal of comfort in mind. Think: turning on some dim lights, playing soothing music or your favorite movie, wearing comfy sweats, and having a yummy coffee, tea, or protein shake beside you. Then, start moving in the ways that feel good to you!
💃 Workouts to try. Flynn suggests dancing to your favorite songs or following a low intensity whole-body workout video. You can also watch a Netflix show while using a walking pad or resistance bands, stretching on a yoga mat, or doing any other low impact exercises like lateral shuffles. "There are no rules as long as it raises your heart rate," says Flynn.
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Great finds
From cozy cardio to a cozy bed
Cozy Earth Linen Sheet Set
Cozy Earth Linen Sheet Set
Speaking of cozy, let's talk about my favorite bed sheets from Cozy Earth. You might think of linen as a summertime bedding material, but I'm here to tell you these sheets are great for year-round use. I keep them on my bed through every season because they're so comfortable, soft, and breathable, which helps me not sweat so much while I sleep. If you want high quality sheets to use 365 days per year, I think they're totally worth the investment.
Buy now
Every product we recommend has gone through Healthline's vetting process. If you buy through links on this page, we may receive a small commission or other tangible benefit. Healthline has sole editorial control over this newsletter. Potential uses for the products listed here are not health claims made by the manufacturers. Healthline is owned by RVO Health.
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Thanks for reading! Is cozy cardio a trend you can get behind? What would your ideal environment look like? Let us know at (Please note that we may use your name and response in an upcoming edition.)
Until next time,
Take care of yourself, and we'll see
you again soon!
This edition was powered by
homebody tendencies.
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