Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Feel-good food to fuel you

Intuitive eating seeks to fight diet culture and fuel your body.
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The Nutrition Edition
Today's Ingredients
Main Course
Food can nourish our bodies — and our souls!
Eating with pleasure in mind is A-OK (unless it becomes an unhealthy coping mechanism). But recognizing and honoring your hunger cues can help you reconnect with your body and listen more closely to what it's trying to tell you. That's where the trend of intuitive eating started.
Instead of limiting or cutting out certain foods, intuitive eating seeks to reconnect your body and mind at mealtime. One goal of eating intuitively is to nourish your body with foods that will satisfy your hunger, whenever you're hungry.
Though this research review indicates that intuitive eating is not a reliable way to lose weight – nor is it the end goal – it has a plethora of other benefits.
Intuitive eating may not be the right fit for everyone. But trying to recognize the internal signals your body sends you and listening to your body can help create a healthier relationship between your mind, your body, and your overall well-being. Read this full guide to learn more about intuitive eating.
Tell us: What's your go-to craving-busting snack? (I personally like puppy chow.) Message us at nutritionedition@healthline.com. (Please note that we may use your name and response in an upcoming newsletter!)
Kitchen Kit
What we're using
Mineral sunscreen has a slew of unique perks. Because your skin does not absorb it, it's less likely to cause irritation. It's also considered a generally safe and effective form of sun protection (when used properly).
This zinc sunscreen by Babo Botanicals is sheer, so it won't have you looking like a ghost at the beach. It's also vegan, cruelty-free, and recyclable, so you can feel good about keeping your skin — and the planet — safe.
Because mineral sunscreen is formulated differently than chemical sunscreen, it should be used differently as well. You'll need to reapply it every 2 hours (or every 80 minutes if you've been in the water). Learn more about the how-to here.
Every product we recommend has gone through Healthline's vetting process. If you buy through links on this page, we may receive a small commission or other tangible benefit. Healthline has sole editorial control over this newsletter. Potential uses for the products listed here are not health claims made by the manufacturers. Healthline is owned by RVO Health.
Sheer Zinc Mineral Sunscreen by Babo Botanicals
4.3  |  4,700+ ratings
Shop now
We focus on a different nutrient each week — some well known, others more unusual. This week's chosen nutrient is <i>essential</i> — it's zinc!
Nutrition Spotlight
We focus on a different nutrient each week — some well known, others more unusual. This week's chosen nutrient is essential — it's zinc!
Humans don't naturally produce zinc, so we have to get it from what we eat. Also, our bodies don't store it, so it's important to consume the necessary amount every day.
Benefits of appropriate zinc intake include:
To ensure that you get enough zinc every day, try consuming foods with high zinc content. These include legumes (lentils, chickpeas), shellfish (shrimp, crab), nuts and seeds (almonds, sunflower seeds), dairy products (milk, yogurt), and eggs.
If you're not consuming enough every day, you might have a zinc deficiency. Symptoms of a zinc deficiency include unexplained weight loss, wounds that won't heal, an inability to stay alert, and loss of appetite. If any of these sound familiar, speak with a doctor to learn more.
A to zinc and beyond. Beyond being an essential nutrient, zinc has other uses. It has been used in mineral sunscreens because zinc oxide scatters the sun's rays, making it an effective physical barrier for UV rays. To keep reading about zinc, including recommended intake, zinc toxicity, and more, check out our full guide.
the takeout
What we're digesting
🫀 17 best foods for high blood pressure. These accessible foods can help keep your hypertension in check.
🐄 What's the MOOve with grass-fed milk? Learn the difference between grass-fed, organic, and just regular old milk.
💆 18 foods to help reduce stress. Can what you eat affect how you feel? Check out these natural stress reducers.
💤 6 foods that will keep you awake at night. Having trouble sleeping? It could be a result of what you eat.
Thanks for reading! Tim will be back next time to save us all from acid reflux. Stay tuned!
Until next time,
Take care of yourself, and we'll see
you again soon!
This edition was powered by
feeling good about your food.
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