Wednesday, April 12, 2023

The vacation conundrum

Why aren't U.S. workers using all their vacation days?
Wellness Wire
IN a nutshell
Hello again, Wellness Wire fam. As I sit here battling a serious case of summeritis, the focus of today's newsletter hits close to home. A surprising percentage of U.S. workers aren't taking all of their paid time off (PTO), according to a new poll from the Pew Research Center. And many of you won't be shocked to learn why. Stick with us to learn more about what's driving the trend, plus:
is it time to take up birding?
what gender-affirming care really means
the magnesium-dementia connection
your favorite way to take time off work
Stay sharp,
Ginger Wojcik
Newsletter Editor, Healthline
  Written by Ginger Wojcik
April 12, 2023 • 5 min read
Why are so many PTO days going unused in the United States?
what's got us buzzing
Why are so many PTO days going unused in the United States?
  • Almost half of U.S. employees take less PTO than their company offers, according to a new poll from the Pew Research Center.
  • Workers cite fear of falling behind and not wanting to burden their co-workers as two main reasons for not taking time off.
  • Working twice as hard in the lead up to a vacation is a known practice that can eat away at the benefits of going on vacation in the first place.
Last week, it was widely reported that U.S. workers aren't cashing in on all of their vacation days. And in a country where you're lucky to get 10 days off per year, that's saying something. Could this be another example of the American Cult of Productivity run amok? Maybe for some. Indeed, 52% of respondents said they didn't feel like they needed to take all their days. But that isn't the full story: 49% of respondents said they were too worried about falling behind to take time off, while 43% cited not wanting to burden their co-workers with additional tasks.

Those last two reasons point to a familiar reality for many: Taking vacation is often much easier said than done. A 2013 study found that for women in particular, taking vacation meant extra hours put in at work and at home, both of which negatively affected their health. The reality is all the PTO days in the world can't mitigate the effects of a stressful, poorly managed, or otherwise detrimental work environment. So the next time you're interviewing for a job, it may be worth asking if your workload takes vacation time into consideration and how work is covered when someone takes time off.
great finds
Editor faves with health perks
The Sibley Birder's Life List and Field Diary
The Sibley Birder's Life List and Field Diary
There's one thing your overlord employers can't take away from you: the serene and fulfilling activity of birding. It's no secret getting outdoors can soothe your body and mind. But did you know that birdsong has been found to boost well-being all on its own? Whether you're a seasoned birder or looking for something new to get excited about, the classic ''The Sibley Birder's Life List and Field Diary'' can help you in your endeavors.
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Every product we recommend has gone through Healthline's vetting process. If you buy through links on this page, we may receive a small commission or other tangible benefit. Healthline has sole editorial control over this newsletter. Potential uses for the products listed here are not health claims made by the manufacturers. Healthline is owned by RVO Health.
What does gender-affirming care mean, anyway?
Wednesday Kick Start
What does gender-affirming care mean, anyway?
In the United States, 28.3% of transgender youth live in a state that bans gender-affirming care, while another 22.1% live somewhere potentially facing similar restrictions. And to understand how these laws affect transgender youth, it's crucial to know what this type of care actually entails.
"[Gender-affirming care] starts with patients undergoing extensive therapy to help them understand who they are and want to be," says Dr. Javad Sajan. "This is a long, carefully considered, and what can be a difficult, process. All providers on the continuum of care utilize extensive, peer-reviewed medical best practices to support their patients in this process."
Some examples of therapies and services under the umbrella of gender-affirming care include:
hormone blockers and other medications
counseling and psychiatric care
surgical options
Experts are concerned that losing access to this vital type of care will further jeopardize the health of trans youth. "The effects of denying gender-affirming care will cost lives," says Sajan. "On the flip side, I see repeatedly providing such care gives people the acceptance, freedom, [and] ability to live in their own identity. It provides happiness and peace. I experience patients sobbing tears of joy rather than pain for the first time in their lives."
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What we're reading next
🧠 ️️️Does your native language affect how you think? A new study found that native Arabic and German speakers process language distinctly and experience different brain activation patterns.
👮 The mental health risks of being a police officer. Listen in as host Gabe Howard and Sheriff Jay Armbrister discuss the cultural expectations for police officers to bury their emotions.
🪞 The two most common signs of dissociative identity disorder (DID). Formerly known as multiple personality disorder, DID is a rare mental health condition that has two telltale symptoms.
🍫 ️️️Can a magnesium-rich diet decrease your risk of dementia? Dementia is a leading global health concern. New research suggests magnesium intake could play a role.
you're up
Don't get me wrong, I love a white sand beach and cocktails with those tiny umbrellas. But the idea of booking a traditional vacation sounds like the opposite of relaxing to me these days. What I really want is that singular joy of having absolutely nothing planned and nowhere to be. As summer appears over the horizon, I imagine you all have been thinking about vacation, too.
We want to know: What's your favorite thing to do when you take time off work? Let us know at (Please note that we may use your name and response in an upcoming edition!)
Thanks for reading, everyone! Don't forget to take those vacation days 😉. Morgan will be back in your inboxes on Friday.
Until next time,
Take care of yourself, and we'll see
you again soon!
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