Monday, July 29, 2019

Get to know the 2020 candidates in new ways.

The NPR Politics Podcast: On The Trail keeps you informed.
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The Democratic candidates for president are trekking to Iowa and New Hampshire, talking to voters in bakeries, bookstores and bars. They’re going to book clubs and candidate forums. And so is The NPR Politics Podcast.
Then, when the crowds dissipate, we find a quiet spot and sit down for a long conversation about why they’re running, what they’d do as president and what guides them. So far, we’ve interviewed nine candidates, including Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, Cory Booker and more. We’re going to interview as many as possible through the end of the summer.
Before the next debates on Tuesday and Wednesday, really get to know the candidates by listening to their interviews with The NPR Politics Podcast, in collaboration with Iowa Public Radio and New Hampshire Public Radio.
Thanks for listening,
Tamara Keith, NPR Politics Podcast host
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