Friday, January 12, 2024

This habit can help you live a long life

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Wellness Wire
Presented by   LetsGetChecked
In a Nutshell
I'm concerned that the second I mention preventive healthcare, half of you are going to fall asleep and the other half are going to click back into the cat video you were watching. So before that happens, here's a shocking stat: Only 8% of adults over age 35 are up to date on their recommended clinical screenings. Yes, 8%!
This is troubling news because getting regular tests and screenings is one of the key tools we have for living long, healthy lives. Staying on top of recommended cancer screenings, for example, can make all the difference for treatment outcomes.
So in honor of this month of new beginnings, I have a challenge for all of you: Put preventive healthcare on your list in 2024. Below, we get specific about what kinds of services this might entail, but first, here are some health stories you need:
6 health benefits of not drinking for 30 days
So THIS is why urine is yellow
Blue light may not be a sleep killer after all
Happy scheduling,
Ginger Wojcik
Newsletter Editor, Healthline
  Written by Ginger Wojcik
January 12, 2024 • 3.5 min read
A strong defense is the best offense
what's got us buzzing
A strong defense is the best offense
Preventive healthcare is all about identifying health issues before serious symptoms develop. Screenings for heart disease, diabetes, and cancer are the big ones, but this can also include counseling to quit smoking and advice for balanced eating habits.
The screenings recommended for you will depend on your age and family history, but some of the most common ones for adults include:
  • screenings for common cancers, including breast, colorectal, cervical, and prostate
  • screenings for blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes
  • immunizations
  • counseling for management of chronic conditions and mental health conditions
If you're not a fan of going to the doctor (honestly, who is?), it can be easy to put off appointments for things that aren't currently causing pain or discomfort. But doing a quick office visit today could help you avoid countless doctor visits down the road (not to mention untold sums of money). And many common chronic conditions can be improved through preventive measures.
If all this talk of the doctor has you nervously clutching your wallet, it may be comforting to know that preventive healthcare is covered by most insurance providers.
So if you haven't already, consider giving yourself (and your loved ones) the gift of peace of mind by getting up to date on your preventive healthcare recommendations. (And thank you for not clicking back to your cat video!)
Great finds
Get fit
Champion Sports Exercise Medicine Ball
Champion Sports Exercise Medicine Ball
Regular exercise is one of the best ways to ensure that your health stays in tip-top shape. And a medicine ball is a versatile piece of fitness equipment that can help you hit your goals. This ball is made out of synthetic leather, making it easy to grip and durable enough to withstand heavy use. Whether you're into Pilates, yoga, aerobics, or cross training, a medicine ball can be a great addition to your fitness routine.
Buy now
Every product we recommend has gone through either Healthline's or Optum Store's vetting processes. If you buy through links on this page, we may receive a small commission or other tangible benefit. Healthline has sole editorial control over this newsletter. Potential uses for the products listed here are not health claims made by the manufacturers. Healthline and Optum Store are owned by RVO Health.
Presented by   LetsGetChecked
Better manage your well-being
Check Yourself
Better manage your well-being
Wild guess, but we're going to say you're probably not getting enough of vitamins D and B12. They're two of the most common deficiencies, and low levels of each can affect your body in subtle and not-so-subtle ways.
If you're lacking vitamin D, you may experience symptoms like hair loss, fatigue, and anxiety. A vitamin B12 deficiency — which is common among vegetarians and vegans — can lead to frequent headaches, pale or yellow skin, and difficulty concentrating. Both can be addressed by adjusting your diet to include more nutrient-rich foods and dietary supplements.
To better understand your vitamin and nutrient levels, LetsGetChecked's Micronutrient Test can help identify deficiencies quickly. Simply collect a sample at home and then ship it back using a prepaid shipping label. You'll be able to review your results in a secure online account and book a virtual consultation with a LetsGetChecked board certified healthcare professional to figure out a game plan for your needs and lifestyle.
Double down on your health insights and get a second wellness test for 50% off with code "HEALTHLINE2024."
A Healthier You Starts Today with LetsGetChecked
Achieve your wellness goals in 2024. Buy a test and get one for 50% off with code "HEALTHLINE2024."
  A Healthier You Starts Today with LetsGetChecked
health stories you need
What we're reading next
🧪 The pros and cons of genetically modified foods. Are GMOs really all that bad?
❤️‍🔥 When is heartburn a sign of cancer? Most of the time, it's nothing to worry about.
9 myths about bipolar disorder. Fight stigma with facts.
🥗 Healthy eating tips for when you live with depression. It's important to keep your body nourished when symptoms flare.
Thanks for reading, everyone! If you have any questions, suggestions, or you just want to say hi, get in touch at We read every email you send us!
Until next time,
Take care of yourself, and we'll see
you again soon!
This edition was powered by
my dermatologist.
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