Monday, July 24, 2023

You asked, today we answer

Blood types, probiotics, eczema remedies, and beyond.
Wellness Wire
IN a nutshell
Welcome back to another Wellness Wire newsletter dedicated to answering your health questions! In today's edition, we're covering a healthy mix of reader-requested topics, like:
Why you might want to learn your blood type
A fan-favorite once-daily probiotic supplement
Tips and tricks for taming eczema
The best cures for a hangover
Can CBD help energy and focus?
Be well,
Morgan Mandriota
Newsletter Editor, Healthline
  Written by Morgan Mandriota
July 24, 2023 • 4 min read
How to find out your blood type, and why you might want to
what's got us buzzing
How to find out your blood type, and why you might want to
Blood type breakdown. Blood types are based on antigens, substances on the surface of red blood cells that trigger an immune response against perceived threats.

They come in four different types:
  • Type 🅰️: A antigen
  • Type 🅱️️: B antigen
  • Type 🆎️: both A and B antigens
  • Type 🅾️️: no A or B antigens
Then there are the Rhesus (Rh) antigen factors:
  • Rh-positive means the presence of Rh antigens in your red blood cells.
  • Rh-negative means you don't have any.
This is where the + or - comes from in blood types like A+, B-, or O+.

Why should you care? Knowing your blood type can help you understand your risk of certain health conditions or allergies. This information could also be vital in case of an emergency, or if you need a blood transfusion.

So, what's your blood type? Blood tests can be done at your doctor's office, a clinical lab, or a hospital. You can also take an at-home blood test.

Want it done for free? Donate blood, and ask the staff member if they can tell you your blood type. Results may take a few weeks, but you'll know for free while doing good for the community.

Read more about blood types:
great finds
Editor faves with health perks
Garden of Life Once Daily Women's Probiotic Capsules
Garden of Life Once Daily Women's Probiotic Capsules
Women frequently reach out to us asking for probiotic recommendations. If you want to tap into the immune, digestive, and other health benefits of probiotics, check out Garden of Life's daily supplement specially formulated for women.
Named the overall best in our recent dietitian's roundup of the best probiotics for women, this evidence-based product contains 15+ probiotic strains and comes from a reputable brand approved by Healthline's team of vetting experts. It's shelf-stable, too, so no need to keep it in the fridge like other probiotic products.
Shop now
Every product we recommend has gone through Healthline's vetting process. If you buy through links on this page, we may receive a small commission or other tangible benefit. Healthline has sole editorial control over this newsletter. Potential uses for the products listed here are not health claims made by the manufacturers. Healthline is owned by RVO Health.
Tips and tricks for taming eczema
Monday Kick Start
Tips and tricks for taming eczema
Eczema — aka atopic dermatitis — typically presents as itchy, red, scaly skin, but symptoms vary depending on the type and person.

I've lived with this condition my whole life. While fragrance-free lotions and topical medication help me, there are plenty of options out there that can offer relief.

Consider trying the following treatments if you have eczema, too:
Take antihistamines to manage the itch.
Apply corticosteroid cream or ointment.
Use cool compresses to help topical medication sink in better.
Take an oatmeal bath to help soothe inflamed skin.
These everyday lifestyle tips may also help you prevent and manage outbreaks:
Moisturize your skin daily to stay hydrated.
Avoid allergy triggers that may cause a flare-up.
Try not to scratch rashes to avoid infections.
Wear loose-fitting clothing with soft fibers, like cotton, to reduce friction or irritation.
As always, speak with a doctor to come up with an eczema treatment plan that works best for you.
Learn more about eczema:
Eczema treatments
What are the 8 types of eczema?
7 foods to avoid in babies and kids with eczema
How to stop eczema from itching at night
Health Hype
Can what you eat help you recover from a hangover?
(Find the answer at the end of this email)
health stories you need
What we're reading next
🌱 Can CBD help energy and focus? Cannabidiol (CBD) is touted as a natural remedy for a variety of health reasons and issues. Learn how it may affect energy and concentration.
🧠 Key symptoms of autism in females. Autism spectrum disorder presents differently across genders. Read more about how the condition presents among females versus males.
👁️ How to prevent cataracts. While more research is needed, these diet, eye health, and lifestyle habits may be able to help prevent cataracts.
💚 10 health benefits of spirulina. Need a reason to add this type of algae into your diet? Check out this list of proven health perks that might convince you to give it a go.
Health Hype Answer
Can what you eat help you recover from a hangover?
Don't want to feel nauseous with a pounding headache all day after a night of drinking? Optimize your diet!

Start off by eating a hearty breakfast. Research suggests this may help you maintain steady blood sugar levels, decrease acidity in the body, and offer a dose of key vitamins and minerals that you might have flushed out.

Eating zinc-rich foods, like nuts, eggs, seeds, and whole grains may reduce hangover severity as well.

Read our article to learn more about the best hangover remedies.
Thanks for reading. Do you have general health questions you want us to cover? (Nothing too personal, please!) We'll be doing another newsletter like this next month, so send in your requests to for a chance to get them answered.
Until next time,
Take care of yourself, and we'll see
you again soon!
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