Sunday, July 23, 2023

Egg fried rice with peas and bell pepper

An easy, satisfying weeknight recipe.
The Nutrition Edition
Today's Ingredients
Recipe of the week
Easy weeknight egg fried rice with vegetables
Good news: You don't have to feel guilty about preferring white rice over brown. While it's true that white rice has less fiber and fewer nutrients than brown rice, you can easily make a healthy meal out of white rice by pairing it with nutrient-dense ingredients. Case in point: this egg fried rice recipe that includes peas, eggs (hello, protein!), and a whole chopping board of vegetables for added vitamins and minerals.
Get the full recipe!
Containing a little bit of almost every nutrient your body needs, eggs may as well be called nature's multivitamin.
For starters, they're a complete protein, containing all nine essential amino acids. This high quality protein gives them a high satiety value, which means they help you feel full longer. They're also one of the best sources of choline, an essential nutrient that 90% of people don't get enough of.
Vegetarians will be keen to know that eggs are a great source of B vitamins, especially hard-to-get B12.
If you took a nutrition course before the year 2000, you undoubtedly learned that eggs, which are high in cholesterol, should be eaten sparingly. However, while it's true that one egg contains a lot of cholesterol, the link between eating eggs and heart disease isn't as clear as once believed. The evidence suggests that eating 1–2 eggs per day is safe for most people.
Kitchen Kit
What we're using
If you're prone to making soggy, burnt, or otherwise disappointing rice, a rice cooker may be worth the splurge. This model from the Japanese-born company Zojirushi was rated the best high end rice cooker by our editors. Well designed and durable, it features a rounded, nonstick inner pan to make sure the rice cooks evenly. And you can set it to cook all types of rice.
Every product we recommend has gone through Healthline's vetting process. If you buy through links on this page, we may receive a small commission or other tangible benefit. Healthline has sole editorial control over this newsletter. Potential uses for the products listed here are not health claims made by the manufacturers. Healthline is owned by RVO Health.
Zojirushi Neuro Fuzzy Rice Cooker
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the takeout
What we're digesting
🫀 6 foods to lower your risk of heart disease. Living a heart-healthy lifestyle starts with your diet — and these foods are some of the best for the old ticker.
🏃 Which exercises are best for digestion? Regular exercise can definitely help your gut health. But the type of exercise may be less important. We dig in here.
🍫 The best food sources of magnesium. Learn which foods are loaded with this essential nutrient, including dark chocolate, avocados, and nuts.
🌱 How to prevent blood sugar spikes. Even if you don't have diabetes, it's a good idea to avoid spiking your blood sugar. Here are some practical tips.
Thanks for reading, friends. We hope you're all staying safe amid these heat waves. Remember, your diet can be a good source of hydration. These 19 water-rich foods are a good place to start.

Want more information on a specific aspect of nutrition? Let us know at and we'll do our best to cover the topic. (Please note that we may use your name and response in an upcoming edition!)
Until next time,
Take care of yourself, and we'll see
you again soon!
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