Monday, August 10, 2020

In 2020, A Female Running Mate Won't Be A 'Hail Mary'

There are a lot of contrasts between Joe Biden's impending pick and past elections when women were vice presidential candidates. 

For starters, Joe Biden announced months ahead of time that he'd pick a woman, and there's a deeper bench of women for him to pick from. In addition, several women of color are contenders for that spot.

And there's one more difference that's easy to overlook: Biden is ahead in the polls.

There are a lot of contrasts between Joe Biden's impending pick and past elections when women were vice presidential candidates. 

For starters, Joe Biden announced months ahead of time that he'd pick a woman, and there's a deeper bench of women for him to pick from. In addition, several women of color are contenders for that spot.

And there's one more difference that's easy to overlook: Biden is ahead in the polls.

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