Monday, May 29, 2023

How to be more selfless

In honor of Memorial Day, let's talk about selflessness and veteran-owned businesses.
Wellness Wire
IN a nutshell
Happy Memorial Day, everyone. Before we dive in, we'd like to take a moment to recognize and thank all military personnel and their families who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. We'd also like to thank you for reading our newsletter on a holiday.
In honor of those we celebrate today, we're highlighting the health benefits of being selfless, and how to practice it so you can reap those perks. We're also covering:
coffee, skin care, and nutrition veteran-owned or supported businesses
mental health in the military
7 signs of magnesium deficiency
different types of grief
Be well,
Morgan Mandriota
Newsletter Editor, Healthline
  Written by Morgan Mandriota
May 29, 2023 • 3 min read
Want less pain and more joy? Consider being more selfless
what's got us buzzing
Want less pain and more joy? Consider being more selfless
Selflessness, defined. Being selfless, aka altruistic, means you care more about other people's well-being than your own. You'll go out of your way to ensure someone else is healthy, happy, and safe without expecting anything in return. (Do you think altruism truly exists? Tell us at!)

Health benefits of selflessness. According to a 2019 report, prosocial behavior can: "By performing small acts of kindness on a daily basis, these can add up to big differences in the world," says psychologist Dr. Jessica Myszak.

How can you become more selfless? There are many ways to serve others. For starters, try incorporating some of these acts into your everyday life whenever you can:
  • increase sense of community
  • Check in with your neighbors and co-workers.
  • Open the door for someone.
  • Offer to help a friend or family member with a project.
  • Volunteer at a soup kitchen, assisted living facility, or animal shelter.
Read more about being selfish and selfless:
great finds
Editor faves with health perks
You know those great finds you just *have* to tell your friends about? That's how we feel about the products we recommend here. Every pick has been vetted by our editorial team, and we genuinely think it'll make your life better.
Black Rifle Coffee Company
Black Rifle Coffee Company
This veteran-owned business creates delicious coffee that packs twice the caffeine punch of your average bean.
Naturally London
Naturally London
These skin care products are locally made with love by U.S. veterans. Naturally London also gives back to military vets.
Clif Bar Chocolate Chip
Clif Bar Chocolate Chip
Clif Bar makes tasty energy bars *and* helps veterans become farmers with financial support and mentorship opportunities.
health stories you need
What we're reading next
🪖 Mental health in the military. Retired and active duty service members need accessible and effective mental health resources. Find support and more information in this article.
⚠️ 7 signs of magnesium deficiency. If you experience muscle cramps, high blood pressure, fatigue, or these other symptoms, you may want to get checked for hypomagnesemia.
🧍 The effects of chemotherapy on your body. While chemo may be an effective cancer treatment, it can cause a variety of side effects and body symptoms.
💊 How much turmeric should you take per day? Let's review the uses and benefits of turmeric, appropriate dosage, and potential safety concerns.
🥣 The 14 healthiest cereals you can eat. Cereal is a convenient and delicious breakfast, but it's usually full of sugar and unhealthy ingredients. Not these cereals though!
🖤 9 different types of grief. Some types may be more complex or long-term than others and require professional help to manage. Learn about the differences and available grief resources.
🏊 Exercise turns back the clock in aging muscles. Research suggests that exercise-induced changes can "reprogram" your epigenetics to a more youthful state.
Thanks for reading! Ginger will be back in your inbox on Wednesday. Until then, take care of yourselves, and enjoy the rest of your holiday today.
Until next time,
Take care of yourself, and we'll see
you again soon!
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