Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Reviewing the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

Today, we're opening up about mental health.
Wellness Wire
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IN a nutshell
Hi, friend! How are you? No, like, how are you really? It's easy to just say "good" even when you're not. Next time someone asks how you're doing, we challenge you to answer a bit more honestly.
It's National Suicide Prevention Week, so we're focusing on mental health topics today. Grab a cup of your favorite tea, get comfy, then dive into what we're covering:
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline pros and cons
a cooling weighted blanket and hardcore self-help book
colorful style that makes you smile
Jonah Hill's latest self-care statement
a poll for you (please chime in!)
more health stories you need
Be well,
Morgan Mandriota
Newsletter Editor, Healthline
  Written by Morgan Mandriota
August 24, 2022 • 6 min read
Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
what's got us buzzing
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline pros and cons
When you're going through a crisis, the last thing you need (or can do) is to look up an 11-digit phone number — you need accessible help ASAP. That's where the national 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline comes in.

Since switching from (the still functioning!) 1-800-273-8255 to 988 on July 16, this 24/7 suicide prevention hotline serves as an easy-to-remember number to call or text for folks in need of emotional help. It's confidential-ish: You don't need to give them any identifying info, but they'll be able to see your phone number or IP address so they can connect you with a local center if necessary.

So, how's it going so far? Well, there are mixed reviews from people and experts alike. Here's the 411 on 988.

First, let's dive into the cons:
  • The lifeline is already having a hard time meeting demand due to the increased rates of youth suicide, especially among marginalized groups like youth of color and LGBTQ+ kids.
  • Experts worry that this will only get worse as demand picks up over time.
  • The lifeline can dispatch the police to your location, which isn't always helpful because it may actually escalate a situation or mental health crisis.
Now for the pros:
  • The lifeline offers free 24/7 access to emotional support from a trained volunteer or mental health counselor at a crisis center within minutes of reaching out.
  • Counselors are available to speak with callers in English or Spanish.
  • There's already an increase in federal funding to 988 networks across the United States, which may help make sure that call centers are prepared to handle expected surges in calls.
  • The support received from calling or texting 988 can ultimately save your life or the life of a loved one.
We still have a looong way to go to reduce self-harm and death by suicide within our communities (think: affordable housing, accessible healthcare, job opportunities, debt reduction), but the 988 number is a hopeful step in the right direction.

tl;dr: Accessible and affordable suicide prevention resources and mental health help are key to saving lives. The updated 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline is a helpful resource for people in crisis who are seeking support. It may not be the best resource for you, though. Here is a list of additional suicide prevention resources to consider.

If you or someone you know is in crisis and considering suicide or self-harm, seek support:
great finds
Products we love
Degrees of Comfort Cooling Weighted Blanket
Degrees of Comfort Cooling Weighted Blanket
A 2018 study found that people with anxiety typically have poor quality sleep, and having poor quality sleep can increase anxiety. If you need some anxiety relief in your life, weighted blankets can help with that (or simply cozy up your bed!).
Sweaty sleepers and cold sleepers rejoice: This cooling weighted blanket comes with two duvet covers: one for each of you. It's also available in a variety of sizes and weights (and prices), from a 6-pound throw to a 30-pound king blanket.
Shop now
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CBDistillery's CBD Gummies contain 100% clean ingredients and are designed to support your body and mind for optimal health and wellness.*
*Based on results from 2021 & 2022 studies with MoreBetter. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Say what
Look who's talking
"The whole purpose of making this film is to give therapy and the tools I've learned in therapy to a wide audience for private use through an entertaining film. Through this journey of self-discovery within the film, I have come to the understanding that I have spent nearly 20 years experiencing anxiety attacks, which are exacerbated by media appearances and public facing events … With this letter and with 'Stutz,' I'm hoping to make it more normal for people to talk and act on this stuff."

– Jonah Hill
Talk about walking your talk: Jonah Hill knows the importance of protecting your mental health, and he's protecting his by choosing not to promote his new documentary called "Stutz," an intimate tell-all about his experience navigating anxiety, work, and therapy. He recently released this statement published by Deadline that dives deeper into the why behind this decision. We love and support a self-care king.
Dopamine Dressing
Wednesday Kickstart
Dopamine dressing: Style to make you smile
World got you down? Join the club. If you need a quick dose of happy hormones, consider hopping on the dopamine dressing trend. Think a "fake it till you make it" mindset, but make it fashion. In short, by dressing happy, we trigger a dopamine response that makes us feel happy.

Pinterest predicted dopamine dressing would dominate 2022 based on their data showing an uptick in search terms like "rainbow dress women," "electric blue outfit," and "vibrant outfits." They're not wrong. It's been a thing for a few months now, but the fall styles blessing the Instagram #dopaminedressing feed are *chef's kiss.*

Therapy and medication can do wonders for your mental health, but dressing up in funky styles and bright colors could serve as a quick happy fix whenever you're feeling blue. Pun intended.
health stories you need
What we're reading next
Say hello to Healthline's new Skin Care Hub. Hi, skin care pros and beginners! Want to better care for your body and love the skin you're in? We just launched a helpful content series for you.
Introducing the Black Mental Health Hub. Another new series worth checking out: Psych Central's Black Mental Health Hub is full of health equity info, news, tips, and support resources.
The connection between sitting and dementia. A new study on sedentary behavior found interesting insight into what you do while you sit and how it might affect your risk of dementia.
Hardcore Self Help: F**k Anxiety
Once you've leveled up your bed game with a weighted blanket, cuddle up under it to read this self-help book full of tips on how to chill out your anxious brain.
you're up
Unless you studied psychology in college, we're willing to bet you probably didn't learn about mental health in school. Many families are hush-hush about emotional stuff, too. So when it comes to navigating mental wellness, we're often left to teach ourselves by reading articles, chatting with others, or going to therapy.
If we had proper mental health education from a young age, maybe — just maybe — we could spare ourselves a lot of heartache, trauma, and mistakes throughout our life.
We'd love to know: What's something about mental health you wish you would have learned sooner? And, only if you feel comfortable answering, where or how did you learn this lesson? Share your thoughts with us at
Thanks for reading! We'd love to hear what you think of this newsletter or anything we've covered above. Email our team at to let us know. See you on Friday!
Until next time,
Take care of yourself, and we'll see
you again soon!
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emotional support water
bottles and therapy.
Lots and lots of therapy.
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