Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Day 3: Go shopping … for recipes

Sneak in a little plant-based goodness.
Eat More Plants Challenge

DAY 3 OF 14

Go shopping … for recipes

What did you make yesterday? Maybe you discovered a new favorite way to prepare an old standard. If not, no worries. The name of the game is experimentation!

Today you're going to do a little "window shopping" for new, simple recipes you'd like to try.

For today's challenge: Go online and check out some food bloggers or recipe sites that have more of a plant-slant. (Try keywords such as "plant-based" or "plant-forward" to get yourself started.) Or head to the bookstore and peruse the cookbook section and magazine stand. Poll your friends and ask them for their favorite recipes. A meal planning app like PlateJoy can help you find recipes, too. (PlateJoy, Inc. is owned by Healthline Media. If you sign up, we may receive a financial benefit.)

Remember, you're not necessarily looking for vegetarian recipes. You just want to boost your intake of plant-based foods … which, again, include whole grains, nuts and seeds, beans and lentils, as well as veggies and fruit.

Finally, keep it simple and fun. If it's easy, you're more likely to do it. Here are some ideas for keeping track of the recipes you're excited about:

  • "Bookmark" your favorite websites.
  • Start a digital file (such as a Word document) of recipe links you like.
  • Store recipes in an app like Evernote or OneNote.
  • Print recipes out and put them in an old-school recipe book or recipe box.
  • Use a meal planning app to collect recipes and create shopping lists.

Do-it-together tip
If you've got kids (or a partner, roommates, or friends who are supporting you) ask them to help out! Have a recipe-finding "contest" to pique their interest and get a conversation going about plant-forward meals that everyone can be excited about.

Until tomorrow,
The Healthline Team

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