Tuesday, November 3, 2020

2020 Election Results: Special Senate Election In Georgia Headed For A Runoff

None of the candidates in the race will reach 50% of the vote, according to the Associated Press. The leading vote getters -- Democrat Raphael Warnock, a pastor from Atlanta and GOP Sen, Kelly Loeffler, a businesswoman who was appointed to the seat and took office in early 2020 -- move on to the ballot for the runoff on Jan. 5.

None of the candidates in the race will reach 50% of the vote, according to the Associated Press. The leading vote getters -- Democrat Raphael Warnock, a pastor from Atlanta and GOP Sen, Kelly Loeffler, a businesswoman who was appointed to the seat and took office in early 2020 -- move on to the ballot for the runoff on Jan. 5.

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