Friday, May 29, 2020

George Floyd's Arresting Officer Has Been Taken Into Custody In Minneapolis

Derek Chauvin, a white officer, planted a knee on the black man's neck while detaining him on Monday. He didn't remove the knee until paramedics showed up to move Floyd's unresponsive body into an ambulance. He was reported dead later that night. For days a video of the incident has elicited fury across the country.

Chauvin was detained Friday by state officials. It's not yet clear whether the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension has filed charges against Chauvin.

Derek Chauvin, a white officer, planted a knee on the black man's neck while detaining him on Monday. He didn't remove the knee until paramedics showed up to move Floyd's unresponsive body into an ambulance. He was reported dead later that night. For days a video of the incident has elicited fury across the country.

Chauvin was detained Friday by state officials. It's not yet clear whether the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension has filed charges against Chauvin.

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