Saturday, June 4, 2022

Day 13: Swap in a plant-based meat alternative

Tofu, tempeh, and seitan, oh my!
Eat More Plants Challenge

DAY 13 OF 14

Swap in a plant-based meat alternative

You're in the home stretch, with the most "advanced" challenge of the series! 💪

Maybe you're already a fan of plant-based meat substitutes such as tofu, tempeh, and seitan. Or maybe you're not a fan just yet, but you do enjoy other protein-rich foods like beans, nuts, lentils, hemp, flax, and chia seeds.

The good news is that plant-based foodies have devised lots of creative and delicious ways to swap in plant-based protein for animal protein. Give it a try and see what you think.

For today's challenge: Get back online (or to the bookstore) and search for simple recipes featuring plant-based protein. The options are seemingly endless, but start slow and keep it simple. Some ideas:

  • Swap half the ground beef in your Sloppy Joe's with black beans, lentils, or a plant-based meat substitute like Beyond Meat or Impossible Burger.
  • Try a tofu scramble for breakfast instead of scrambled eggs. (Tofu is very mild-flavored, so add salsa or pesto to taste.)
  • Blend white beans in a food processor or blender, add garlic and olive oil, and toss with your pasta.
  • Crumble tempeh (available in many supermarkets) and heat it up with taco seasoning for a tasty take on Taco Tuesday. A plant-based meat substitute works well here, too.

You're doing great!

Until tomorrow,
The Healthline Team

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