Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Polio, the sequel

What we know about the virus's return
Wellness Wire
Presented by   CBDistillery
IN a nutshell
Hi, and welcome to the brand new Wellness Wire! We've been working hard behind the scenes to bring you this fancy makeover, and we're *so* excited to finally share it with you after all this time.
Today we're covering:
polio circulating in New York
delicious treats for better sleep
blueberries and longevity
other health stories you need
Be well,
Morgan Mandriota
Newsletter Editor, Healthline
  Written by Morgan Mandriota
August 24, 2022 • 5 min read
what's got us buzzing
Polio is back, but who is at risk?
The plot twist we didn't expect this year: Poliovirus being found in wastewater samples after almost a decade of being MIA. (Reminder: poliovirus spreads through saliva or fecal matter and causes polio, a disease that can lead to paralysis in the arms and legs, or even death.)

State and local health officials originally believed it was contained to the New York City area, but new information revealed water samples in Orange County, NY and London also tested positive for the virus. A case of paralytic polio was also identified in an unvaccinated man in Rockland County in July. Officials note there could be hundreds of unaccounted for cases circulating among the unvaccinated, too.

So, what now? Polio *does* spread easily, but look on the bright side: The WHO says that 90 percent of folks with polio will experience mild to no symptoms. However, health officials recommend getting vaccinated as the best way to prevent contracting and spreading the disease (infants as young as six weeks are eligible!).

If you got your vaccine as a kid, experts say you're still protected. If you have an increased risk of being exposed to the virus (aka hospital workers, lab researchers, care givers, etc.), the CDC says you're eligible for a booster. Aside from that, you can reduce your risk by washing your hands and avoiding travel to areas with confirmed cases.

Tl;dr — Like Kate Bush's return from obscurity, Polio is back and circulating among the unvaccinated. We haven't reached crisis levels yet, but if you're unvaxxed, you're at risk. Make those doc appointments and get your vaccine ASAP! (Or text your parents to ask if you got yours as a kid.)
great finds
Products we love
Winding down from a busy day isn't always our strong suit. Thankfully, sliding into sleep has gotten a whole lot easier now that we've added MUD\WTR to our evening routine.
This chai-flavored organic mushroom blend contains a combo of science-backed ingredients that support calm and relaxation—think chamomile, valerian root, turmeric, and reishi. All you have to do is blend MUD\WTR powder with hot water, sip, chill, and doze off. Cheers to better Zzzs!
Shop now
Presented by   CBDistillery
Sleep Synergy CBN & CBD Gummies
CBDistillery's plant-based CBN & CBD gummies are designed to calm your mind and improve your sleep, so you wake up refreshed and ready to take on the day.*
*Based on results from 2021 & 2022 studies with MoreBetter. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Can blueberries help you live longer? Maybe, due to this antioxidant
Blueberries are delicious, nutritious, and… can help you live longer?! Yep – all thanks to anthocyanins. This powerful antioxidant gives blueberries their color and is linked with anti-aging benefits. Bluebs can also boost brain and heart health, mood, and fiber intake. Oh, and did we mention they have anti-inflammatory properties?

Needless to say, if you want to boost your longevity, score some health perks, or enjoy a tasty snack, throw some blueberries in your next smoothie or bowl of oatmeal.
Health Hype
Do banana peels offer any health benefits?
(Find the answer at the end of this email)
health stories you need
What we're reading next
10 ways to lower your grocery bills. Food prices are increasing, but you still need to eat. Take these 10 tips to the store to save money on groceries.
Please stop trauma dumping. Oversharing has some serious consequences. Knowing the impact can protect you and others from them.
What can mice teach us about aging? A lot, especially when it comes to blood transfusions and senescence – the state in which cells stop growing and dividing.
Presented by   CBDistillery
Plant-Powered Relaxation
Try CBDistillery's 100 percent clean solution designed to reduce mild or temporary anxiety. CBG & CBD work together in harmony so you can stress less each day.*
*Based on results from 2021 & 2022 studies with MoreBetter. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Health Hype Answer
Loaded with antioxidants, phenols, and fiber, banana peels belong in your body (not in the trash). Don't know what to do with them? Check out our list of ways to repurpose your peels into tasty snacks.
And just like that, you've officially read the first new edition of Wellness Wire! We'd love to hear what you think of this new experience. Email us at to let us know your thoughts. See you on Friday!
Until next time,
Take care of yourself, and we'll see
you again soon!
This edition was powered by
a non-cooperating ADHD brain, a
super strong hazelnut macadamia
latte with oat milk, and an even
stronger desire to improve the world.
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